Fubar Branding: “Mission Impossible” or How to Construct the Worst Possible Brand Mission Statement

11 min readJun 8, 2023


Salutations, cherished connoisseurs of comedic calamity, and ready yourselves for another wild tour through the tumult of Fubar Branding, your steady torchbearer in the shadowy caverns of branding catastrophes! Today, we welcome you to embark on a mission. But fear not, this is no ordinary mission; this is the Mission Impossible or how to construct the worst possible Brand Mission Statement.

A brand mission statement, the pulse of any vibrant brand, is the beacon guiding its trajectory, resonating deeply with its chosen tribe. But why choose clarity and purpose when ambiguity and insignificance are available for your amusement? Thus, we present to you our devilishly entertaining playbook to dismantle your brand mission statement, with numerous subchapters designed to veer you toward branding oblivion.

From fabricating the nebulous, amorphous mission to tactically ignoring your brand’s core values, we’ll guide you through an exhilarating expedition into branding’s darkest vortex. Brace for a boisterous blend of confusion, hilarity, and possibly a spark of enlightenment as we probe the disastrous consequences of crafting, bewildering, or outright demolishing your brand’s mission statement.

So, cinch up your harnesses, procure a comforting snack, and steel yourself for a thrilling plunge into the realm of ‘Mission Impossible.’ But remember, our Fubar Branding saga serves as an intricate tapestry woven with threads of satire, humor, and hidden wisdom. Amidst the peals of laughter lies the ultimate parable: a clear, inspiring, and compelling brand mission statement is non-negotiable for constructing a triumphant brand. So, Buckle up, dear reader; the journey begins.

Chapter 1: Mission Ambiguous: Crafting the Unfocused Statement

Welcome, dear adventurers, to the first bewildering step of our journey into the nebulous void of brand mission statements. This chapter, charmingly dubbed ‘Mission Ambiguous,’ is your ticket to mastering the esoteric art of creating a thoroughly unfocused, exceptionally vague mission statement.

As the ancient adage goes, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ In the spirit of pure comedic calamity, we say, ‘Where there is no clarity, your brand will flourish (in the annals of forgettable companies, of course)!’

To kickstart this whimsical journey, let us first behold an illustrative, gloriously bad example of a nebulous mission statement: “Our brand is committed to excellence by doing good things with great people to achieve stuff.” A round of applause, please, for this masterclass in ambiguity! It is incredibly vague, offers no specific direction, and could literally apply to any brand in any industry across the entire galaxy.

Now, let’s examine the secret recipe behind such a spectacularly aimless mission statement:

1. Embrace Generalities, Shun Specifics: Do you want to be an industry leader? Enhance customer experience? Innovate? Perfect! Just remember, don’t be specific about how you plan to do any of these things. Specifics are for those who wish to be understood.

2. Maintain a Staunch Disregard for Tangibility: Tangibility, the dear reader, is your foe in this endeavor. Therefore, terms that can be measured or quantified should be avoided at all costs. Remember, your goal is to leave your audience squinting in confusion, trying to make sense of your brand’s direction.

3. Promote Platitudes, Not Plans: “We aim to inspire happiness.” “We endeavor to make the world a better place.” These are ideal, as they could mean a million different things and absolutely nothing all at once.

4. The ‘More the Merrier’ Fallacy: When it comes to obfuscation, the more objectives you list in your mission statement, the better. Remember, your goal is to ensure your mission lacks any real direction.

With these hilariously terrible tips at your disposal, you are well on your way to crafting the most delightfully ambiguous mission statement your industry has ever seen. Remember, the more bewildered looks you get when you share your mission statement, the better you’ve succeeded in our unique Fubar Branding mission. So, go forth, brand warriors, and embrace the art of ambiguity!

Chapter 2: The Art of Being Impersonal: Omitting Core Values

As we delve further into the darkened depths of our ‘Mission Impossible,’ we arrive at our next guidepost of grandeur — ‘The Art of Being Impersonal.’ Here, we shall ceremoniously explore the comic consequences of engineering a brand mission statement devoid of your brand’s core values, creating a masterpiece of monotony that resonates with absolutely no one!

Imagine, if you will, the riveting narrative of a brand that ardently declares, “We sell stuff, and we’re really good at it.” Truly, such a stirring sentiment is enough to bring a tear to one’s eye. Whose eye, you ask? Well, we’re still figuring that out.

Now, for those of you seeking to replicate such a captivating display of impersonality, here are a few pointers:

1. Embrace the Void of Vagueness: A mission statement that doesn’t reflect your brand’s core values is like a ship without a rudder. Perfect for drifting aimlessly in the sea of consumer indifference.

2. Keep it Generic: A secret key to being impersonal is ensuring your mission statement comfortably fits any other business. The goal is for your target audience to read your mission statement and wonder, “Whose mission is this, anyway?”

3. Ditch the Deeper Meaning: Are you committed to environmental sustainability? Or perhaps diversity and inclusion? Irrelevant! When omitting core values, any form of deeper societal or cultural relevance should be left at the door.

4. The Absence of Action: When your mission statement is void of core values, it also neatly sidesteps the troublesome aspect of taking any stand or action. It ensures smooth sailing toward the land of insignificance.

With this mirthful guidance, you’re fully equipped to mold a mission statement so devoid of personality that it could be mistaken for a drying paint label. As you immerse yourself in the art of impersonality, remember: the less your audience feels when they read your mission statement, the better!

Chapter 3: No Vision? No Problem! Ignoring the Future

As we venture further into our comedic expedition, we stumble upon a peculiar anomaly: the futuristic void. Join us in the third chapter — ‘No Vision? No Problem! Ignoring the Future.’ Here, we gleefully dive into the calamitous comedy of a mission statement that adamantly refuses to gaze beyond the present.

Consider, for a moment, the electrifying enthusiasm inspired by a mission statement such as: “We are here, doing what we do.” Truly, one can almost feel the powerful surge of static energy. A standing ovation for such a forward-thinking… err, forward-stagnant declaration!

Intrigued about constructing a similarly thrilling future-blind mission statement? Here are a few helpful tips:

1. The Eternal’ Now’: A key to neglecting the future is to bask in the glory of the eternal ‘now.’ With no vision of the future, your brand can perpetually exist in the comfortable monotony of the present. No forward-thinking is necessary.

2. The’ Status Quo’ Mantra: Your mission should reflect a stalwart dedication to maintaining the status quo. The future might bring changes, evolution, or even revolutions. However, we say, “Why bother?”

3. Dodge the Direction: By avoiding any indication of a future direction, you can rest assured your brand image will remain as static as a statue, firmly cemented in the current moment.

4. Bypassing the ‘Bigger Picture’: Visionary brands might look at the bigger picture, but not you. After all, why inspire when you can maintain a delightful state of inertia?

By following this whimsical advice, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a mission statement so grounded in the present that it could be mistaken for a brand time capsule.

Chapter 4: Jargon Jungle: Overloading with Buzzwords

Well, here we stumble upon a particularly lush patch of undergrowth — the infamous ‘Jargon Jungle.’ In this enlightening chapter, we’ll jovially explore the potential pratfalls of cramming your mission statement with unnecessary industry jargon and flashy buzzwords. Why say something simply when you can say it in such a convoluted manner that even you don’t understand what you’re saying?

Picture a mission statement like this: “We leverage synergistic paradigms to disrupt the status quo, catalyzing transformative change through innovative ideation.” A slow clap, please, for this dazzling spectacle of incomprehensibility!

Longing to plunge headfirst into your very own jungle of jargon? Well, here’s a handy guide:

1. The More Syllables, The Better: Why use plain, understandable language when you can befuddle your audience with multisyllabic, arcane terminologies? Remember, the more perplexed your audience, the more successful you are at Fubar Branding!

2. Buzzwords are Your Best Buds: Do you know what “hyperlocal,” “phygital,” or “growth hacking” mean? Neither do most people. But don’t let that stop you from peppering them throughout your mission statement. After all, obscurity is the goal.

3. The Concept of ‘Too Much’ Doesn’t Exist: There’s no such thing as too many buzzwords. Overload your mission statement with jargon until it becomes a dizzying kaleidoscope of buzzword bingo.

4. Simplification is for the Simple-Minded: While some might argue that a mission statement should be clear and concise, we argue, why stop the fun? Double down on the complexity.

With these playful tips in your arsenal, you’re poised to create a mission statement so riddled with jargon that it could double as a cryptic crossword puzzle. Your audience’s look of utter confusion will be a testament to your success.

Chapter 5: Lengthy Proclamations: The Rise of the Mission Epic

Huzzah, intrepid adventurers of branding befuddlement! As we traipse further into our ‘Mission Impossible’ escapade, we are confronted by a grand spectacle of verbosity — ‘The Rise of the Mission Epic.’ In this gloriously verbose chapter, we’ll humorously dissect the folly of creating overlong mission statements so packed with words that they’d give even Tolstoy a run for his money.

Imagine, if you dare, a mission statement so long-winded it begins in one fiscal quarter and concludes in the next. An epic tome of such gargantuan proportions that it would require a team of linguists, several pots of coffee, and a weekend retreat to decipher its cryptic intent. “We sell things, and we’re good at it, so good in fact, that our great grandparents, and their grandparents before them, have handed down this tradition of excellence, dating back to the dawn of commerce…” The applause, please, for this timeless masterpiece of tedium!

If you’re captivated by the prospect of crafting your very own mission epic, here are some choice tips:

1. Brevity is the Soul of Wit (but Who Needs Wit?): To construct a mission epic, the first principle to abandon is brevity. Stretch your mission statement out like taffy until it spans the length of a novella.

2. Unleash the Torrent of Tangents: Introduce tangential information that has little to no relevance to your brand. The inclusion of your company pet’s dietary habits could be an amusing start.

3. Convoluted is the New Clear: If your readers aren’t out of breath and thoroughly bewildered midway through your mission statement, then you’re doing something wrong.

4. Spare No Detail: An epic mission statement must leave no stone unturned. Was your brand conceived on a rainy Tuesday? By all means, include it!

By adhering to this jovial advice, you’re guaranteed to concoct a mission statement of such literary length it could be the next contender for the Booker Prize. But, then, just imagine the thrill of your audience’s eyes glazing over as they labor through your epic proclamation.

Chapter 6: All Talk, No Walk: The Disconnect Between Mission and Action

As we wade deeper into the whimsical waters of our ‘Mission Impossible’ odyssey, we encounter a hilariously ironic predicament: the ‘All Talk, No Walk’ phenomenon.

In this chapter, we’ll cheekily spotlight the comical conundrum that ensues when a brand’s lofty mission statement stands in stark contrast to its actual practices. Imagine the mirthful absurdity of a fast-food chain championing health and fitness or a fossil fuel company proclaiming its love for the environment in its mission statement!

So, if you’re itching to master the art of the disconnect between talk and action, follow these facetious tips:

1. Aspire Higher, Act Lower: Aim to write a mission statement that is as lofty and noble as possible, then promptly forget it in your day-to-day operations.

2. Promise the Moon, Deliver a Pebble: Make sure your mission statement promises grandiose, unattainable goals while your actions deliver the mundane or even less.

3. Keep ’em Guessing: A mission statement filled with incongruities keeps the audience on their toes, forever guessing what your brand truly stands for.

4. Never Let Action Speak Louder than Words: Why let actions do the talking when you can churn out an impressively verbose mission statement that doesn’t mirror your deeds?

By following this whimsical guide, you’ll master the delicate dance of crafting a high-sounding mission that starkly contrasts your brand’s actions. The inevitable public perplexity will be a sure sign of your success.

Chapter 7: The Generic Epidemic: When Every Mission Statement Sounds the Same

Now, as we reach the final chapter of our uproarious ‘Mission Impossible’ saga, we find ourselves embroiled in a pandemic of sorts — the ‘Generic Epidemic.’

In this chapter, we’ll dive headlong into the laughably commonplace issue of generic mission statements that sound as if they’ve been produced in a branding clone factory. Consider the hilarity of a world where every brand is committed to “excellence,” “innovation,” and “customer satisfaction.” The joy of monotony!

Eager to get lost in the crowd? Here are some sardonic suggestions:

1. Stick to the Classics: Ensure your mission statement is packed with overused buzzwords like “world-class,” “leading,” and “innovative.” Why stand out when you can blend in?

2. Broad Strokes Only: Avoid anything that makes your brand unique. Stick to the broadest, most generic language possible. Remember, vagueness is your friend.

3. Originality is Overrated: Don’t bother putting in the effort to create a mission statement that accurately reflects your brand’s identity. Just copy what everyone else is doing.

4. The More Generic, the Better: The aim is to make your mission statement as indistinguishable from your competitors as possible. Let the game of ‘Who’s Who?’ begin!

By adhering to this farcical advice, your mission statement will be so bland and generic it could belong to any company in any industry. Imagine the hilarity as customers struggle to tell your brand apart from others!

Disclaimer (We can’t believe we had to write this)

As we close the chapter on our side-splitting ‘Mission Impossible’ voyage, we do so with a collective chuckle at the absurdity of it all. We’ve crafted unfocused statements, omitted core values, ignored future visions, overloaded with jargon, and penned mission epics. We’ve also mastered the art of creating a chasm between words and deeds and perfected the art of generic statement-making.

Beneath the laughter, a sobering truth resonates: A mission statement is not merely a collection of words. It’s a brand’s compass, guiding its actions, differentiating it from the competition, and fostering a connection with its audience. While our satirical journey has been filled with guffaws, its ultimate purpose was to underscore this truth: a powerful mission statement is clear, concise, unique, and congruent with the brand’s actions.

So, as we bid adieu to our ‘Mission Impossible’ adventure, we hope you carry this wisdom with you. After all, while laughing at branding blunders can be fun, being the subject of the laughter? Now, that’s a real mission impossible!

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Written by Brandergate*

Brand Development Platform with unique Artificial Branding Intelligence © at its core that helps analyze, create, and manage entire Brands intelligently online.

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